Country Basic Facts
- Location, Map of Myanmar and Geography
- Climate, Flora and Fauna in Myanmar
- Historical Background
- Population
- Religion
- States and Divisions
- The State Flag
- The State Seal
- Myanmar National Anthem
- The State Organs
- Towards a New Modern Developed Nation
- National Reconsolidation
- Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution
- Foreign Policy
- Diplomatic Relations
- Economic Policy
- Myanmar Economy
- Foreign investment in Myanmar
- Development of Border Areas and National Races
- Environment
- Tourism
- The City of Yangon
Tservices provided for Myanmar nationals to every website visitor.
By facilitating on-line access to essential information on the useful topics related to Myanmar, We believe that this website could enhance the advantages and quality of our consular services to Brazilian and could provide with useful information to the people who wish to visit our country, the businessmen who are interested in investing in our country and could also provide with services to the Myanmar communities. We sincerely hope that you will find this website interesting, useful and beneficial. For further detailed information, you are cordially invited to contact to our Embassy and we are ready to fulfill your questions.
Thank you.
Embassy of the Union of Myanmar